Friday, January 23, 2009

Critical Thinking - another forgotten subject from university ...

We all take things 'on faith' to a degree, but some things to which we subscribe, and accept as 'true', are provable under prescribed experimental conditions. These are the ideas which became supported theories, which become facts in our modern, and industrial, society. Our industries, our healthcare, our technologies are based on the output from science.

(When I was struck by appendicitis in my early teens, I was grateful that my parents took me to a hospital, rather than asking for a 'laying on of hands'.)

Critical Thinking is about not taking anything on face value, but instead checking for evidence at each step in the process of deduction and asking at each stage "Is this true?"

Experimentally provable theories are that upon which our modern society is built.

Religion is built on Faith. Science is built on Doubt.

Try it. In your life today, question something. Just ask yourself "Is this true?" Don't question the love or commitment of your significant other, but pick up a newpaper article, listen to any radio talkback, watch any advertisement on television (if you've got a lot of patience) and ask "(why) is this true?" "What evidence is proffered?" "Is it more than an actor in a white coat in front of an illegible diploma?"

Learn to think for yourself (but don't just take my word for it!)

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